The Storming of Antichrist
Author: Christopher BlackwoodTitle: The storming of Antichrist, in his two last and strongest garrisons; of compulsion of conscience, and infants babptisme [sic]. Wherein is set down a way and manner for cburch [sic] constitution; together with markes to know right constituted churches, from all other societies in the world. Also the cruelty inequality and injustice of compulsion for conscience, by 29. arguments is opened; with an answer to 26. objections brought for the same. Also 12. arguments against the baptizing of infants; with an answer to 26. objections brought for the same. Wherein is displayed to the view of all, from the testimonies of Scriptures, Fathers, councels; the mischiefs, uncertainties, novelties, and absudities [sic] that do attend the same. Wherein is answered the most valid arguments brought by St. Martiall, in his sermon preached in the Abbey Church at Westminister, for the defence hereof. With an answer to Mr. Blake his arguments, in his book cald Birth-priviledge; and to the arguments of divers others. As also a catechisme, wherein is cleerely opened the doctrine of baptisme, together with a resolution of divers questions and cases of conscience, about baptisme. Written by Ch. Blackwood, out of his earnest desire he hath to a thorow reformation, having formerly seen the mischiefs of half reformations.Publisher: [London :: s.n.]Publication Date: 1644Source:;view=toc PDF Source:
This is part of a project to provide a readable and useful renditions of old English theological texts. The idea is to not only have readable modernized language, but retain enough (and explain) the theologically precise terms, and retain foreign terms with a translation. This should help the younger reader to understand the substance of the text without removing too much of the details so as to make it entirely unrecognizable.
Title Page
Title Page
Preface to the Reader
Preface to the Reader