Observation of the Sabbath


I've recently been considering the fourth commandment, to keep the sabbath day holy. The 1689 has a specific chapter about it, and specific paragraphs about why Sunday is the Christian Sabbath, or Lord's Day, and what kinds of activities are to be done.

7. It is the law of nature that in general a portion of time specified by God should be set apart for the worship of God. So by his Word, in a positive-moral and perpetual commandment that obligates everyone in every age, he has specifically appointed one day in seven for a sabbath to be kept holy to him.28  From the beginning of the world to the resurrection of Christ the appointed day was the last day of the week. After the resurrection of Christ it was changed to the first day of the week, which is called the Lord’s Day.29   This day is to be kept to the end of the age as the Christian Sabbath, since the observance of the last day of the week has been abolished.

28Exodus 20:8. 291 Corinthians 16:1, 2; Acts 20:7; Revelation 1:10.


8. The Sabbath is kept holy to the Lord when people have first prepared their hearts appropriately and arranged their everyday affairs in advance. Then they observe a holy rest all day from their own works, words and thoughts about their secular employment and recreation.30  Not only that, but they also fill the whole time with public and private acts of worship and the duties of necessity and mercy.31

30Isaiah 58:13; Nehemiah 13:15–22. 31Matthew 12:1–13.

The 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith outlines a Christian approach to the Lord's Day, or Sunday, the Christian Sabbath. According to Chapter 22, Paragraph 8 of the Confession, the Lord's Day is to be sanctified by believers, which involves engaging in activities that honor God and refraining from those that do not. This perspective is derived from a broader understanding of biblical instructions regarding the Sabbath, particularly the fourth commandment.

Activities Christians Should Engage in on the Lord's Day:

Activities Christians Should Refrain from on the Lord's Day:

The Confession, and those who adhere to its teachings, views the Lord's Day as a gift from God, providing an opportunity for believers to rest from their labors, worship the Lord, and engage in spiritual practices that foster growth and community among God’s people. The emphasis is on activities that honor God and contribute to the believer’s spiritual welfare, while avoiding those that distract or detract from the sanctity of the day.